Traveling from Amsterdam to Stockholm: Final


Finding myself

Upon arriving in Stockholm, completely drained, I headed directly to my hostel. I began working immediately, promising to let myself rest afterward, for at least 11 hours straight.

This event turned out to be one of the hardest of my travels. For days afterward, I practiced breath work and meditation to fight the anxiety and stress that had accumulated over the journey.

There were times when it felt like I couldn't breathe. Even at work, my mind was flooded with thoughts, ideas, and fears. I felt defeated. My own mind and body were defeating me. I couldn't even think about the next day.

While working, I often needed to take short 10-15 minute breaks just to breathe before I could continue. It seemed like my mind was having trouble processing my reality after taking on so much.

However, despite these difficulties, I learned and grew from the experience. I adopted a more spiritual mindset and realized that the only constant in life is change, and nothing is permanent.

I believe changing your reality too often can be very stressful, especially while traveling. It's better to stay longer at your destinations and limit the number of countries or cities you're visiting.

I think we often let others decide our path. If you ask anyone about traveling from Amsterdam to Stockholm, they'll suggest taking a flight due to the long distance.

But I enjoy diving into adventures, doing things that no one else has tried before. Because by doing something different, I will gain unique experiences and understanding.

If you've been following my posts, I encourage you to step out of your comfort zone, try new things, be stubborn, stop following others, choose your own path, and decide what feels best for you.

And remember, you'll learn more each time you choose to experiment, rather than just following a normal path or even a regular life, like everyone else does.

I think the only way to truly understand travel is to do it yourself. Traveling alone, solving your own problems, and making mistakes. I embrace failure. I don't always like to be right,

Because it's through failure that I learn the most.