Traveling from Amsterdam to Stockholm: Part 1



It was nearing the end of my journey as I found myself standing in Amsterdam, thoroughly exhausted. For more than two months, I'd been dragging my bags alone, my hands beginning to ache, my flat feet were in pain. I was tired of sleeping in unfamiliar beds and sharing rooms and bathrooms with strangers.

The first task that particular Sunday was to step out from the hostel to buy some snacks and groceries that would sustain me during my extensive train ride to Stockholm.

After shopping, I returned to my hostel room and began to pack my bags again – a task I'd become expert in by that point. It was almost subconscious, allowing me to get my bag ready in under 20 minutes. I gathered the blankets, left them for cleanup, and exited my room back to the reception carrying my bags with me.

Looking back at that moment, I can feel how my mind was craving to return home, yet defying my own self-sabotage and limitations, I persevered. I was determined to keep traveling, keep moving, with a clear mind and unbreakable strength.

Exiting the hostel, I continued my journey through the streets of Amsterdam on foot, earbuds in, Berlin techno playing, and never looking back.